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 The Big Bright Shiny Lake

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/8/2012, 2:05 pm

I come in at sit down. I hope that I got claimed soon .
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/9/2012, 12:47 am

Ronnie listened intently to Rafael as he spoke, trying to decide what she thought of him. He explained Dare Devil's character to her. Sometimes it frustrated her that she didn't know much of pop culture, but how could she be expected to? She had been trapped on a secluded island for almost six years of her life, of her childhood. It wouldn't really make sense if she did know all about everything in today's culture. She frowned, considering this, before she spoke, mildly surprised when Rafael removed his mask.

"I'm a daughter of Aglaea, by the way. Not a very influential goddess, but maybe that's a good thing," Ronnie stated as she looked back to Rafael. He was handsome, she thought, in an odd sort of way. It was kind of a shame if he always kept his face covered up with that mask. He must get a weird tan from it, if he didn't remove it before going to the beach... if he even went to the beach. He seemed a bit odd, like maybe he wanted to talk to her but he didn't at the same time. Ronnie thought that he could probably be one of the "popular" people in school, if he went there, due to the way he held himself. That is, he might be if he chose to be so. Their gazes released one another very quickly, and while Ronnie was still trying to gather her take on the boy, she forced herself to look away.

Glancing around, her gaze landing on a new guy who'd entered and just stared at them, which was a bit disconcerting. Rafael addressed him, which relieved Ronnie's discomfort just a little. She relaxed, leaning back so that her weight rested on the smooth palms of her hands behind her. The boy didn't respond immediately, so she looked back to Rafael with a chuckle and a small shrug of her shoulders.
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/9/2012, 10:24 am

Rafael felt as if he had just disappeared and someone else had replaced him. Not many times before had he taken his mask off and now he did for a girl that he knew nothing about. Yet it seemed to shock her and then he noticed, or thought he noticed, Ronnie look at him as if she thought he was handsome. That wasn't anything new, since he had girls from his old school try to ask him out. This time was just that he wasn't sure how to react. Before he had told them no because he was a demi-god and they were normal humans. Now, Ronnie was a demi-god as well. Rafael forced his mind away and then replied to her final introduction. I'm sorry, but who exactly is Aglaea? I haven't heard of her. Rafael slowly raised his head so that his gaze was on Ronnie again. It was strange because Rafael thought that he had just met a girl like no other. He saw Ronnie standing there but she was different. Rafael wished that he knew why, just by looking at this new girl, he wanted to impress her with any means possible.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/9/2012, 12:33 pm

OOC: My charries a girl. But I suppose the name could get confusing....
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/9/2012, 12:48 pm

((We were referring to Scott's character, Scott. xDD))

"Aglaea is one of the Greek Charities, but she's the goddess of beauty, glory and magnificence. She's really only one of Aphrodite's servants, she isn't anyone major," Ronnie concluded, a bit abashedly, breaking Rafael's gaze as a very faint blush colored her cheeks. She hated explaining her mother to people, not because she didn't like her or anything, but it was just weird. It's like explaining that you're a daughter of Aphrodite, only worse, because your mother's the freaking goddess of magnificence. It's a bit hard to live up to that, is it not? Ronnie didn't really feel she did. She wasn't worthy of glory at all, and she was surely far from being magnificent. Ronnie looked back to Rafael for a moment.

"It's pretty good, though, having a minor goddess as a parent, because it means that I don't generally get harassed by monsters as frequently as other demigods do," she continued lightly, a small smile trying to make its way across her lips, only to notice that Rafael was looking at her weirdly. It was almost like he was trying to evaluate her in some way, which made her a little uncomfortable, so she looked around the lake's shore for a moment. Another girl had arrived, but she seemed not to be bothered by anyone else, and occupied herself as she sat alone.
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/9/2012, 3:03 pm

Rafael heard Ronnie and then realized that he hadn't stopped staring at her. If drool had been coming out of his mouth, he wouldn't have been surprised. For some reason, the daughters of Aphrodite weren't as beautiful as Ronnie was. It was ironic that Aglaea was Aphrodite's servant but her daughter was by far prettier than any of her mistress's. So finally Rafael drug his gaze away from Ronnie and admitted that he was out of his mind. He couldn't be worthy enough to like her, plus he had just met Ronnie. Rafael had never believed in love at first sight, and now he felt stupid because that was exactly what was happening. He quickly looked around in search of Cupid or one of the god's children. It was just really strange that he was this far gone. You are way better than any children of Aphrodite, or any one else, for that matter. I... Rafael couldn't get the words out, but it was true. He thought that Ronnie, Veronica, was beautiful and the next best thing to a goddess. Yet he was still unable to say those words. Rafael tried again. I... You... Rafael still couldn't say it, yet maybe he could tell her another way. The son of the goddess of magic looked around to find a pencil and paper but there was nothing. Then he realized there was sand and his staff. Rafael took the tip of his staff and started to write, but halfway through he swiped his hand across and erased it. It Rafael was going to tell her, it would be out loud. So he said the words that couldn't escape. You're beautiful. Nothing else compares to you and even I, one who isn't worthy, feel lovestruck. The words were spoken, but he had said them softly. Ronnie was next to him, so she probably heard him, but he didn't realize what had just happened.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/9/2012, 9:27 pm

Veronica looked back to Rafael as he spoke, confused at his first statement.

"Why, wha-" she began, cutting herself off as she saw that he appeared to be lost for words. She watched him confusedly as he scrambled to gather his thoughts, or find something, and this made her even more uncomfortable. She clasped her hands together in her lap, absentmindedly tracing the faded serial number branded permanently upon her wrist with her thumb, something she had an odd habit of doing whenever she felt uneasy.

The words tumbled out of his mouth, and Ronnie just looked at him for a few seconds, unable to process what he had said. "What?" she asked hastily, managing to spit the whole word out this time and instantly regretting it. Had he just told her that he liked her, and not in the way of a friend? Her stomach twisted uneasily, as if someone had reached their hand inside of her and squeezed it within their fingers. No one had called her beautiful like that since... well, since Samuel. And the last time that happened wasn't exactly something she enjoyed remembering. Ronnie forced her mind to gather itself, and it did, though she stiffened, her fingers lacing her tattooed wrist in a sort of vise grip as a way of controlling her confusion.

"Uh, thanks, I suppose," Ronnie replied, uncertain, hoping her response was okay. She barely knew this boy, why was he professing his love for her? Sure, he seemed nice, and all. She was probably misinterpreting this all anyway. Maybe he just meant that he thought she was pretty, that was all.
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/9/2012, 9:54 pm

((Nice...that actually makes me have to think a bit.))

The boy looked at Ronnie with shock as he realized that he had actually said that and it was obviously very strange with them just meeting and all. It was really strange to him so it must of been worse for her. Finally Rafael was able to gather his thoughts enough to change the look that was on his face. To be in her position was something that no one could imagine, especially Rafael. So Rafael did the only thing he could think to do, which was stutter. It was embarrassing to have thought that about someone he met, and to make it worse, Rafael had said what he had thought. I...meant that you are a very beautiful girl who... Rafael couldn't even make himself finish the words that were so obviously not true. And what was worse was that his face was now burning with the bright red entering his cheeks. His heart was quickly entering his throat and he could feel his eyes sting as realized that he hadn't ever truly felt love or heart ache but now Rafael thought that it was really close. Rafael moved so that he wasn't looking at Ronnie and so that she wouldn't be able to see the tears that were forming in the corners of his eyes. Yet he forced himself to remain strong and not start sobbing in front of Veronica.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/9/2012, 10:38 pm

Ronnie just continued to gape at him as shock and later horror registered on his face. She watched as he tried to recover, sputtering and stuttering and trying to explain himself. She waited, not quite sure what she was supposed to think. He was obviously embarrassed, but at the same time, he seemed like he genuinely liked her, which she still didn't understand since she'd only just met her. Did she really have that effect on people? She knew, back at the island, that sometimes people would listen to her or would hold her in a higher regard because she was attractive, so much so that they wanted to marry her to the dictator's son... but that was different. A lot different. She didn't know if she should be incredibly creeped out, flattered, amused, or a combination of those plus a thousand other emotions. The poor boy looked like he was about to cry, and Ronnie decided that she would wait before she decided how she felt.

"Are you alright?" she asked finally, looking at him with genuine concern written on her face.
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/10/2012, 6:31 pm

Rafael stopped for a second as he heard Ronnie ask him if he was alright. It was difficult to think of a way to respond to her question while he was so down on himself. Finally he turned back to her without the glimmering tears in his eyes. Of course he still had flushed cheeks that obviously showed that he was embarrassed and disappointed. Yet Rafael wouldn't allow that to tongue tie him again. With little thought of what he was going to say, because thinking had made him end up here, Rafael opened his mouth and started speaking again. Ronnie, I am sorry for saying those things. You are beautiful, but I was an idiot. I should of never told you that I feel anything other than a new friendship because we just met and all. Finally Rafael felt as if he had truly just said what he felt and didn't feel as if he were being stupid anymore.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/10/2012, 10:25 pm

Ronnie watched him for a few moments, trying to decide what she thought. On the one hand, it was just a little bit strange that he would randomly confess his love for her. Most normal people wouldn't do that, especially to people they barely knew. Then again, she felt sorry for him. Maybe he just didn't have much experience with girls. Ronnie pulled her legs up to her chest, the dampened tips of her toes wetting the surface of the worn wood as she gazed out at the horizon. She let Rafael recover before she spoke, waiting for the right moment.

"It's alright," she responded finally, her intonation genuine. "But, thanks. It's flattering that you even think of me that way," she continued, chuckling slightly in remembrance of his sputtering confession, how ridiculous it was. "We can still be friends, if you want. Just... nothing more. At least right now. It's been a while since I've even been in any sort of relationship, and that didn't end very well." Ronnie grimaced. It didn't end very well, and that was putting it very lightly. It didn't even start well.

"Anyway, even if it wasn't for that, you probably didn't have much of a chance anyway, since I barely know you," she said, laughing lightly and hoping she didn't embarrass the poor boy further. "But I certainly wouldn't mind getting to know you." This was true. A breeze came in off of the ocean, and Ronnie shivered, goosebumps rising almost imperceptibly on her arms. Her fingers grazed her shoulder, just where the name of her daughter happened to be permanently engraved into her skin. It too was barely noticeably, but evident in a dark script nonetheless.
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/10/2012, 10:54 pm

Rafael was shocked as he realized that once again she had him feeling strange, yet this time it wasn't an absent-minded infatuation. This time he felt relief mixed with fear. He was relieved because he hadn't completely freaked out Ronnie, yet that was also where the fear came from. Since he was never really a lady's man, he didn't know if he could actually interact with Ronnie without messing up again. Rafael decided he would go against all that was telling him to avoid the situation. Rafael looked Ronnie in the eyes and admitted to himself that he had to try to get to know this girl. He spoke up and allowed his voice to be colored with fear and shame. I am sure that I could try to be your friend. Actually I would really like to be friends with you. Rafael thought about how Ronnie was right with the whole he probably wouldn't have had a chance with her.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/10/2012, 11:13 pm

Veronica grinned at him. "Good," she replied, brushing a few strands of hair that had fallen from her ponytail away from her face as she looked at him again. She sat there for a moment with him, breaking his gaze and looking down at the reflective surface of the lake, watching at her face distorted in the soft ripples made by the wind. After a minute or so, she spoke once more. "So, where are you from? I mean outside of camp, or course," she asked him, deciding that it was a fairly innocent question. At least, it was one that she could most certainly respond to if it was reciprocated.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/11/2012, 10:45 pm

OOC: May I claim this charrie? By Triton

I don't do well outside of water. I get a hugehead ache. I run toward the lake not caring that I'm still wearing my regulaer clothes. I dive in and feel myself getting better. How glorious I feel when I'm the water. I open my eyes and look around. I see teenage girl looking at me. "Hi". They smile and swim away. I chase after them, but I have no more breath in me. I come up to shore and sit down. Now that was fun. Water always cheers my up
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/11/2012, 10:49 pm

((You can claim her so long as she doesn't acquire any new powers. If she does, I need to approve them. Please pm me or one of the other admins next time, it's more effective than commenting on a topic usually!))
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/12/2012, 12:21 am

Suddenly I feel like waves are stiring inside of me. I might be getting claimed. Too scared to look myself ,I walk over to the other two people. "Hi, I'm Dakota. Just a favor. Is there something over my head?" I'm praying to my dad that I just got claimed
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/12/2012, 6:57 pm

Rafael looked up at the girl who had walked over and asked something about being claimed. Luckily I had been able to see a symbol hovering over her head, yet I didn't know what it was exactly. It was sort of like the trident but not exactly the same. If Rafael was going to say who it was for the god, he would say it was a water god. There is a shimmering blue trident-like thing. I think it is a water god, not Poseidon. Then Rafael turned to Ronnie and replied to what she had asked him. I grew up not to far from here. My house was in New York, but now I live here in the camp. Where did you grow up at? Rafael looked down at his hands and wondered how his friendship with Ronnie would turn out. Since he was already attracted to her, it would definitely test his strength.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/12/2012, 9:36 pm

Ronnie watched the girl as she approached, eyes widening when she noticed the glowing sign above her head. She was about to speak when Rafael did so before her, so she shut her mouth and waited. "Probably Triton or something," she suggested afterwards, before he responded to her question. That was nice, that he lived so nearby before he came here. It must have been convenient, if he went home to see his family... that is, if he had family to go home to. Ronnie hoped he did, because why would she hope that he didn't have anyone? Though it might explain why he was a bit socially odd. He asked her where she grew up, and her stomach twisted slightly. There was the minor detail that she'd spent 5 years or so of her life growing up a military captive on a secluded island... but that didn't seem appropriate to bring up, nor was she really comfortable doing so. Veronica responded to his question nonetheless.

"Well, I was born in a small town in Massachusetts, but we only really stayed there for a year or so before we had to move, since my dad was in the navy. I mostly stayed with my stepmother, Amy, and we moved around wherever he was relocated most of the time, so we never stayed anywhere for that long. He was killed, though, and eventually Amy and I ended up back where we started, in Massachusetts," Ronnie concluded, shrugging as she looked at Rafael and leaving out the massive part where she was taken captive when her father died on that boat, and forced into slavery and eventually ended up the forced almost-wife of the dictator's son and pregnant and came back to America as a refugee of war, rather than just an orphaned daughter of a navy father. But, again, she didn't say anything about it, because it was too much to share... not even with him, but with anyone. The only person who really knew about it was Amy, and even she only knew a quarter of the story, if that much. Ronnie looked out at the slowly lowering sun, her face a sheer mask of indifference as her fingers grazed over the numbers embedded in her wrist, remembering.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/12/2012, 9:44 pm

"Thanks, " And with that I left
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/13/2012, 7:29 pm

Rafael snapped out of his reverie just in time to hear the answer to his question. It was strange because the story didn't sound complete, almost as if something else had happened that Ronnie wasn't saying. Yet if Rafael didn't want to talk about all the things that happened in his past then it was only right that everyone else should have the same right. So the son of Hecate just nodded and then returned to his mind where he could think some more. If only he could rid himself of the fact that Ronnie was the main topic of his thoughts. Now that he was friends with her, it was harder for Rafael to not notice how she was constantly rubbing her thumb against her wrist and sitting there as if remembering some horrific experience. Are you all right? Rafael asked the question on impulse before he could stop and then realized that it must have something to do with her mysterious missing past. So Rafael immediately regretted asking her if she was alright. Yet words cannot be unsaid and so all he had to do was wait for a response.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/13/2012, 8:45 pm

((LOL he should totally notice her tattoo and be like o.O why does she have numbers on her wrist. She also has her daughter's name tattooed on her shoulder, though that's tiny and probably less noticeable.))

Ronnie considered this some more, almost forgetting where she was. If she and Rafael became friends, he'd probably find out sometime, at least about part of it. She didn't know how she felt about that. What would he think, about the fact that she had had a freaking baby? His whole perspective on her would probably change. It was just like those kids at her high school, when she was pregnant. They all just assumed that she was stupid, that she'd made some sort of mistake at life, that her parents' history screwed her up, being only fifteen years old and pregnant already. She didn't bother correcting them, after a while, because then whoever she told looked at her as if she was a kicked puppy... and Ronnie kind of hated that. She hated being weak. She had been weak far too often in her life, and now was her chance to prove to the world that she was a strong, ambitious young adult and that she wouldn't let her past affect her. That is, if her past would ever stop following her around and biting her like an irritating mosquito. As much as she tried to kill the mosquito, it just kept coming back to bite her.

When Rafael asked her how she was, she jumped ever so slightly, moving her hands to her sides, apart from one another. She glanced at him, confounded for a moment, before replying hastily. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," she responded, trying to think of something else to say to continue their conversation which had ended abruptly with her response.
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/13/2012, 9:12 pm

((Lol, the longer that I try to think of something, the more that my life experiences start to intertwine.))

Rafael started to feel like an idiot for asking her about the nervousness but then his gaze lowered and he was completely stunned to see that she was tattooed with numbers on her wrist. The whole tattoo was kind of like a prison tattoo but instead it reminded him of the stories he heard about the prison camps in the Nazi era. Rafael shuddered and felt as if he was watching a former prisoner of war. Yet it didn't change the fact that he saw a young woman sitting in front of him as an equal to himself. Rafael still saw the beautiful person that he saw when he first met her and then he saw the nervous girl that rubbed her wrist. All of that was encompassed by what he thought was an older part of Ronnie that he could almost bet was a war captive. So Rafael did something he probably shouldn't have done. He leaned in and hugged his new-found friend so that she should know she wasn't alone. I am sorry, Veronica. There is nothing to be afraid of or worried about. You shouldn't be scared or embarrassed of your past. Quickly growing red in the face, Rafael leaned back and ended the hug that was completely unexpected. His mind grew hazy as he realized that he had just hugged the girl that he still felt some infatuation with. So, the son of Hecate leaned forward and kept his gaze away from Ronnie.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/13/2012, 9:52 pm

All of a sudden, Ronnie was being... hugged? Rafael spoke, and Ronnie jumped immediately. Why was he hugging her? Why did he call her Veronica? How did he know what she was thinking? Was that a power of his? What was he doing, touching her so hastily? She managed a quick "What are you-?!" before, in her attempt to get out of Rafael's arms, she moved a bit too jerkily, and she shifted and fell right off of the dock after he finally released her. She tried to move her hand up to catch herself, but somehow the managed to bang her head on the dock's hard wooden edge in a moment of sheer klutziness, which caused her some disorientation. The girl dropped unceremoniously into the cool lake water, consciousness fading...
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/13/2012, 10:11 pm

((Crap! Now I have to save her))

Rafael was staring down at his hands completely embarrassed for having hugged Ronnie when he realized that his actions had scared her. Quickly turning back, Rafael looked up just in time to see the girl he liked slip backward and smash her head on the dock. She fell into the lake and didn't resurface like a normal person would. So Rafael stood up and slipped his mind back into a reserve so that he wouldn't talk himself out of the plan. The son of Hecate looked at the water and then dove in after Ronnie. His eyes snapped open when he dove down some and still didn't feel her. Rafael swum down and propelled himself toward the sinking form of Ronnie, who he wouldn't ever let die. He reached out and snared Ronnie's ankle. Then Rafael spun up and started forcing himself and Ronnie back to the surface. It still hadn't ocurred to him of how he was going to get the beautiful young woman to revive and not stay passed out. With his force being gathered, Rafael propelled the two of them up onto the wooden dock and laid Ronnie on her back.

Rafael looked at her and then roared in anger at himself. Don't you leave like this Veronica! I won't let you stay like this. Rafael started performing CPR and trying like hell to revive Ronnie. It was all of his fault that she had ended up like this, and now he felt the tears that he hadn't let her see before start flowing. I'm sorry Ronnie, I didn't mean to hurt you. It is my fault that this happened but please don't do this. Please wake up. Don't make me do it. Don't make this hard on me. Rafael was terrified that he may be forced to use mouth to mouth. He had hugged her and that had resulted in this. He wouldn't be able to kiss her, even if it brought her back.
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PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime9/13/2012, 10:34 pm

Ronnie sputtered in her unconscious state, ridding her body of any excess water it had acquired. How attractive, or so she would've thought if she had been awake. After a few minutes, she slowly returned to consciousness, at first only really hearing the breeze off of the water and someone... crying? Where was she? Had she gone blind, or something? She forced her eyes open, blinking a few times as her eyes adjusted to the light, lifting her arm up to cover her face for a moment, her head pillowing atop it as her eyes faced downwards. A dock... that's what she was on. She saw the water moving slowly between the wood slats, and she shifted her head sideways to get a better view of her surroundings... at which point she swore, rather loudly, due to the fact that a large bump now resided on the crown of her head, to the left. She sat up quickly, only to have a massive head rush, a wave a nausea rushing over her. Wincing, Ronnie put her hand to the wound, only to find that it was bleeding. She ignored it for the moment. She had sustained worse, and she wasn't too concerned. "Rafael?" she asked tentatively. It suddenly occurred to her that she was dripping wet, which meant... oh gods.

It all came rushing back to her. He had tried to hug her, she freaked out and managed to fall into the water... at which point Rafael must have carried her out. Her face flushed in embarrassment as she adjusted her cover-up, tugging its skirt away from her damp body only to have it cling to her once more. At least she was wearing a bathing suit, otherwise this could've been worse than it was. Still, the fact that her cover-up clung to her was pretty embarrassing in and of itself... hopefully it would fix itself once she stood up. Wonderful. "Are you okay?" she asked him quickly afterwards, recognizing the fact that he was crying. She didn't really know what to say, especially after the fiasco that preceded the whole falling incident.
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The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Big Bright Shiny Lake   The Big Bright Shiny Lake - Page 34 Icon_minitime

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The Big Bright Shiny Lake
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