Character Name:Sirhc
Description (hair and eye color, height, body type (skinny, muscular, etc) required):Dark brown hair, brown eyes, five feet, muscular
God and mortal parent:ares and unknown mortal
Flaws***:not good at making friends,forgets things easlly, takes a while to think about things like questions
Pets:a dog named"Titan.
Weapon****:a three foot cb sword
RP Example*:I walk into the court yard with my sword out. I dicide to sharpen my sword, and do so.I hell hound pounces me out of no where. I side step his attack, and slice at his head. The monster instantlly vamporises when is met with my CB sword.
Biography*:I needed help in school as in I was not very good in acdemicts.I was very good with blades, but I never understood befor camp. A satar came and brought me tp camp when I was just turning 13. I got into sword fighting (fencing)when I was 11. I never liked school, and was great full when a satar brought me to camp.