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 One Last Slot to Use. Break out another Regenald(Complete)

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Minor God

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PostSubject: One Last Slot to Use. Break out another Regenald(Complete)   One Last Slot to Use. Break out another Regenald(Complete) Icon_minitime11/25/2011, 3:03 am

One Last Slot to Use. Break out another Regenald(Complete) 71ae473256f0433b82e103f9c4d72f07

Character Name: Kroenen Regenald

Gender: M

Age: 16

Description: About 6' and 165 lbs. Blond Hair that come dpwn to his eyes, Black eyes, Wears a Black or a White T-shirt with a brown Jacket. Wears Jeans, and black tennis shoes.

God and mortal parent: Mania(Mania is her Name in both Greek and Roman myth. This character is the Greek side), and Uknown, Adopted by Dr. Regenald

Powers**: Kroenen has a death cloak over him. Meaning that he can see a Number counting down over people's heads. The number counting down symbolizes how much longer a person has left in their life. Kroenen can NOT see a number over his head. This does not drain him and is not limited by anything because he is perpetually forced to see the numbers till the person dies or he dies. Which ever comes first.

Flaws: Because of his powers Kroenen is semi-mute and refuses to talk unless he has something important to say. Kroenen is afraid of death because he can constantly see the time remaining for everyone around him but is he looked in a mirrior there would be no time over his head. Kroenen has a constant fear of losing his 'family' to the crazy Dr. Regenald, And Kroenen is afraid of heights

Pets: None

Weapon: Kroenen's arsenal includes a pair of tonfa-like swords. Two Katara-blades that extend from his jackets and are capable of withstanding the force of connecting with a broadsword. He also carries an array of throwing knives and curved daggers. All weapons are Cb.

Talents/Skills: Excellent fighter.

RP Example*: Ahriman stood out on the tallest building he could find and looked out over the city. The air was cool and the sun was at the highest point in the sky. He looked around towards the bottom of the building and then on to the street bellow and he licked his lips at all the people down there waiting for the slaughter. Ahriman then shifted into his human disguise and sheathed his red-bladed sword on his back sheath and then floated down to the street alleyways bellow. He then walked out onto the street and looked around to try and find his first victim in this trashy city." Who shall I kill first? A defensless old person, a poor frightened child, an average joe, a man, a woman oh there are so many choices with these humans it's making me almost giddy at the thought of the killing spree I'll be on." Ahriman thought to himself as he giggled at his thoughts. After a little bit of walking and planing Ahriman stood by a street corner and watched everyone that passed by almost like a stalker. But in this case Ahriman is a stalker and everyone is his target.

After an hour or so Ahriman decided on a young woman for his first kill and he left his corner to stalk her like a lion to it's prey. Ahriman managed to chase the woman into a half-lit alleyway where he unsheathed his sword and transformed back into his regular form. He laughed when he heard the woman's screams for mercy as he yanked her hair and beat her down. Finally he woman managed to ask the question that Ahriman was waiting for,"Why are you doing this to me?" And with a manical laugh he answered,"Because I just want to and now you die." He then took his sword and cut clean through the woman's neck to decapitate her. He then proceded to chop the body parts limb from limb and when he finished he transformed back into his human form sheathed his sword and rolled the head into the street just to cause a scare and with that he walkedout to see if anyone remained besides the officers. Then he started laughing like a madman which in fact was

Biography*: As one of the many children brought into Dr. Regenalds world, Korenen is one of the more abused of his brothers and sister. Korenen as a baby was adopted by Dr. Regenald and at the age of three he discovered his ability. Then by the age of four Korenen, like his 'sister' Remedy, was constantly abussed by Dr. Regenald because the mad scientists aleays wanted to know how much longer he had to live. Unlike his sister though Korenen was less talkitive due to the fact that Korenen wasn't sure how long his 'father' had left in life. With each experiment the number would drop down to a near death number and with each survival the number would sky rocket back to a safe time left on the planet. Korenen hated it, the constant horasment from Dr. Rgenald. What made it even worse for Korenen was the fact that his and his siblings hatred for the man was what kept them together. They watched each others back. Then when Korenen turned 15 he felt alone. The reason why you ask? It was due to the fact that his brothers, Trey, Dominic, Jonah, and Romulus, and his sister, Remedy, had escaped the grip of the doctor and were now free. With the escape of Remedy, Korenen was ever more harrassed by Dr. Rgenald. It finally got so bad that one night in December of his 15th year of life, Korenen made his escape. It took him a whole year on the run but soon Korenen was found by a satyr and taken to CHB. Because of his traumatizing time with Dr. Regenald Korenen went mute and now only talks if he has to and pras every night that the day when he has to talk again is far away. Korenen has been at CHB for a ear now and is hoping to find some of his escaped family members here.

Notes: Click the names to see what his Swords and Kataras look like
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Big Three Demigod

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PostSubject: Re: One Last Slot to Use. Break out another Regenald(Complete)   One Last Slot to Use. Break out another Regenald(Complete) Icon_minitime11/25/2011, 10:35 am

lolz sounds like the thing from Nicklebacks: 'Savin' Me' music video
anyway seeing as how the number constantly changes so there is no set time;approved unless stated otherwise
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