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Bella-Persophone  Empty
PostSubject: Bella-Persophone    Bella-Persophone  Icon_minitime12/26/2012, 6:28 am

Demigod form:

Full name: Bella drew
Any nicknames?: Bell or ella
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Years at Camp: New

God and mortal parent: Persophone and Jack drew
Date of birth: 18 of May
Place of birth: Canberra, Austraila

Appearance(a picture, if you don't have one you could give a description or just leave it blank):
Eye color: Apple Green.
Hair(color, length, style, etc.): Pale Blonde which goes down her shoulders. The bangs always hang in her eyes.
Height: 5 foot 1, since shes kinda tall.
Body type(tall, skinny, fat, etc.): Skinny and well-built. Good for foot-races.
Distinct markings(freckles? Scars? Birthmarks? Etc.): scars on wrist because she cuts them if she is depressed or sad.
Personality(Are they angry, nice, friendly, unique, violent?): Usually friendly and Keeps secrets well.
Style(This is optional:try http://polyvore.com/ to make it): Sweaters, jeans and any kind of shoes.

Powers**: Bella can grow 10 flowers a day. The flowers can be of her choice, and after this she feels extremely dizzy.She can aslo make plants healthier so if theres a ner to death plant, she can make it come healthier. She can do that 3 times a day and she falls asleep.
Fatal Flaw*: Hubris, which means pride.
Flaws*(2 other random flaws, like sucks at vollyball, is afraid of cats, etc.): Afraid of dogs and Is a lier

Weapon(s): A CB dagger with Diamonds, emeralds and rubys in the handle.
Pets: A horse named Rose, and two pond fish named Sammy and Devil
Talents/Skills: Tricking people and gardening.

RP Example*: Bella walked onto the garden and sighed. "Hah. Finally get to do what I like most." she said to herself.
She watered the daisies and Primroses. She snapped her fingers and a Rose grew infront of her. "So pretty!" she said and giggled. She took out a shovel and dug up some roots for dinner. She smiled. Bella saw a dead plant and touched it. It became alive again. "Persophone is such a cool godly parent!" she called.

Biography*: Bella lives with her father Jack. He was a traveller, so she got to see alot of the world. Bellas family is poor. For dinner, she digs up edible roots from plants. They have a pond in her garden with a few fish in it. She has named them Devil and sammy. One day, she found several plants growing round her. she knew it was Persophone somehow. Bella asked her Dad about her. He looked away from her. He shooed her in the car and drove her too camp. She didnt make any friends there, so she would retutn to her house for summer holidays. At her school she wasnt noticed much, so she kept to herself.
She was silent about everything what happened at school days. She was never actually kicked out before. Bella had gotten good grades. One day a hellhound attacked Jack and he died. After his funeral, Bela decided to live with her uncle in Manhattan. She went to Camp more often. Bella soon discovered her powers and she learend how to work with monsters.
Eventually her Uncle died so she had to stay at Camp.

Other Notes:


Last edited by PJROX1 on 12/28/2012, 4:56 am; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 23
Location : Camp Half Blood

Bella-Persophone  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella-Persophone    Bella-Persophone  Icon_minitime12/27/2012, 11:30 am

"Pale blonde which goes up to her shoulders..." do you mean down?
What about Hubris, for her flaw?
5'9" is really huge for a 15 year old woman. Is she supposed to be huge?
Also, change one of your flaws to something that's not a fear.
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Bella-Persophone  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella-Persophone    Bella-Persophone  Icon_minitime12/27/2012, 3:12 pm

Yes, I mean down.
hubris, is the fatal flaw of Pride

And, Ill edit the things in.
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Head Admin, Goddess of Reading and Fangirliness

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Bella-Persophone  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella-Persophone    Bella-Persophone  Icon_minitime12/27/2012, 4:46 pm

Mason, that's not something that's necessary to point out, going up to her shoulders.
Also, I'm 5'10" and a 15 year old female. Characters can be whatever height the person wants them to be. Sure, it's tall, but there are plenty of 15 year old girls who are even 6 feet tall. Really huge? Unless someone is 7 feet tall or taller they're not "really huge." So go ahead and change the height if you want to! Sorry! Smile

Otherwise, your form seems fine! Everything is approvable. Feel free to make any changes a lot and then post when you'd like your character to be approved!
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Bella-Persophone  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella-Persophone    Bella-Persophone  Icon_minitime12/28/2012, 4:58 am

I just made changes to the height. So, everything is ready.
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Head Admin, Goddess of Reading and Fangirliness

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Age : 27
Location : Hyperventilating over a book.

Bella-Persophone  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bella-Persophone    Bella-Persophone  Icon_minitime12/28/2012, 4:05 pm

Alrighty then! Approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Bella-Persophone    Bella-Persophone  Icon_minitime

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